Prairie Marketing Co.,Ltd. is a Thailand company, located in Mary Thiengkaew 35 Soi Lerdnava, Krungthep-Kreetha Road, Hua-mark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 Thailand. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : Prairie Marketing Co.,Ltd. Country : Thailand Address : Mary Thiengkaew 35 Soi Lerdnava, Krungthep-Kreetha Road, Hua-mark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 Thailand International Area Code : 66Phone : 02 379-3191/2 (+66-02 379-3191/2) Fax : 02 731-6703 (+66-02 731-6703) Category Activities : Candy; Importer, Trading Company marketers of imported confectionery and Evergreen facial cotton productsBangkok
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Primary World Intertrade Co.,Ltd.
United Dairy Foods Co.,Ltd.
Prairie Marketing Co.,Ltd.
Nestle Trading (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.
Pure One Co.,Ltd.
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