NANDHACHATT INTER TRADING CO.,LTD. is a Thailand company, located in 1949 New Petchburi Rd., Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: NANDHACHATT INTER TRADING CO.,LTD.Country: ThailandAddress: 1949 New Petchburi Rd., Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310Zip Code: 10310International Area Code: 66Phone: 314-3972,314-4178,314-6120 (+66-314-3972,314-4178,314-6120)Fax: (662)314-2778 (+66-(662)314-2778)Contact: BUDDHIDHA PIYAOUICapital: 1000000Type: ManufacturerYear of Establish: 1992Area: Bangkok More Links NANDEE INTER-TRADE CO., LTD. NANDEE INTERTRADE CO.,LTD. NANDHACHATT INTER TRADING CO.,LTD. NANGRONG APPAREL (1998) CO., LTD. NANKAI WORSTED SPINNING (THAI) CO., LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments