The Cafe Restaurant is a Thailand company, located in Montien Riverside Hotel, 372 Rama 3 Rd., Bang Kho Laem, Bangkok, 10120; Thailand. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : The Cafe Restaurant Country : Thailand Address : Montien Riverside Hotel, 372 Rama 3 Rd., Bang Kho Laem, Bangkok, 10120; Thailand International Area Code : 66Phone : 66.0-2292-2888 Classification : For your dining pleasure, you'll find a magnificent feast over 60 items in our international Buffet, a 24-hour service restaurant located in the Main Lobby, overlooking the Chao Praya river. Open : 24 hoursr Price : B500/2 pers Capacity : 160 Cocktails : Full BarCategory Activities : RestaurantsArea : Bangkok Industry : Restaurants
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The Cafe Restaurant
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