The Chinese Restaurant is a Thailand company, located in Grand Hyatt Erawan, Lower Lobby, 494 Ratchdamri Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330; Thailand. more detail is as below.
Company Information
Company Name : The Chinese Restaurant Country : Thailand Address : Grand Hyatt Erawan, Lower Lobby, 494 Ratchdamri Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330; Thailand International Area Code : 66Phone : 66.0-2254-1234 Ext. 3070 Classification : One of the top of Chinese cuisine, in a truly elegant and beautiful setting. Price : B800-1000/per person Capacity : 150/8 private rooms Cocktails : Full BarCategory Activities : RestaurantsArea : Bangkok Industry : Restaurants
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The Cedar
The Chinese Restaurant
The Circle
The Coffeeboy
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