AUVI CRAFT is a Thailand company, located in 315 Prachachuen Thungsonghong, 2 10210. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: AUVI CRAFTCountry: ThailandAddress: 315 Prachachuen Thungsonghong, 2 10210International Area Code: 66Phone: 02 591-3762 (+66-02 591-3762)Fax: 02 589-3515 (+66-02 589-3515)Email: [email protected]Category Activities: Design and installation of lighting and sound systems More Links NUM HONG RUBBER INDUSTRY CO., LTD. CHAN CHAREON FOAM CO, LTD. AUVI CRAFT INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE COMPANY GOOD LUCK WORLD BUSINESS CO., LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments