SIAM TYRE PHRA PRADAENG CO.,LTD. is a Thailand company, located in 32 GP.4, POOCHAOSAMINGPRAI ROAD SOUTH SAMRONG 2 10130. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: SIAM TYRE PHRA PRADAENG CO.,LTD.Country: ThailandAddress: 32 GP.4, POOCHAOSAMINGPRAI ROAD SOUTH SAMRONG 2 10130International Area Code: 66Phone: 02 394-0121-7 (+66-02 394-0121-7)Fax: 02 394-1924 (+66-02 394-1924)Category Activities: Director/s: Jerome Monsaingeon (Chmn) Product/s: Tyres, aluminium alloy wheels, battery Brand/s: Aston, Siamtyre, Michelin Industrial Base :OTHERSAUTOMOTIVEBusiness Type :MANUFACTURINGProduct Name :TYRES AND TUBESEmployees: >200 More Links CENTRAL STATES MANAGEMENT CO, LTD. KRUNGTHEP PLASTIC FACTORY LTD., PART. SIAM TYRE PHRA PRADAENG CO.,LTD. MICHELIN SIAM CO, LTD. MARUYASU INDUSTRES (THAILAND) CO., LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments