SAWARINTR LTD., PART. is a Thailand company, located in 33/1 M.4, SAMRONGTAI, 2 10130. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: SAWARINTR LTD., PART.Country: ThailandAddress: 33/1 M.4, SAMRONGTAI, 2 10130International Area Code: 66Phone: 02 383-0194 (+66-02 383-0194)Fax: 02 756-6159 (+66-02 756-6159)Email: [email protected]Category Activities: Capital :2 MB.Share Holder :THAI 100%Industrial Base :PETROCHEMICAL AND PLASTICOTHERSBusiness Type :MANUFACTURINGProduct Name :PLASTICS GRADE B 30,000 KG/MONTHALUMINIUMS 35,000 KG/MONTHPAPERS 30,000 KG/MONTHWOODS 10,000 KG/MEmployees: >200 More Links ALAMODE MERCHANDISE CO, LTD. BATHHOUSE CO., LTD. SAWARINTR LTD., PART. SIAM WIRE INDUSTRY CO., LTD. NAVAKIJ CREDIT CO.LTD. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments