SCHAFFNER EMC CO., LTD. is a Thailand company, located in 67 Moo 4 Ban Klang, 2 51000. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: SCHAFFNER EMC CO., LTD.Country: ThailandAddress: 67 Moo 4 Ban Klang, 2 51000Email: [email protected]Website: www.schaffner.comCategory Activities: Swiss based BOI sponsored production facility for electronic components for EMC applications and the car industry. More Links CAPITAL GLUCOSE CO, LTD. KANG YONG ELECTRIC PUBLIC CO, LTD. SCHAFFNER EMC CO., LTD. P.C.U. CO., LTD N.S.K. INDUSTRY LTD., PART. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments